Monday, November 9, 2009

His Iman says Nadal is a hero

The following was posted today by Sheikh Anwar al Awlaki on his web site. AP reports that Awlaki was the Imam of a mosque Nidal Hasan attended while in the area. After intense interrogation by the FBI, al Awlaki moved to Yemen.

Nidal Hassan Did the Right Thing

November 9, 2009 by Anwar alAwlaki Imam Anwar's

Nidal Hassan is a hero. He is a man of conscience who could not bear living the contradiction of being a Muslim and serving in an army that is fighting
against his own people. This is a contradiction that many Muslims brush aside
and just pretend that it doesn't exist. Any decent Muslim cannotlive,
understanding properly his duties towards his Creator and his fellow Muslims,
and yet serve as a US soldier. The US is leading the war against terrorism
which in reality is a war against Islam. Its army is directly invading two
Muslim countries and indirectly occupying the rest through its stooges.
Nidal opened fire on soldiers who were on their way to be deployed
to Iraq and Afghanistan. How can there be any dispute about the virtue of what
he has done? In fact the only way a Muslim could Islamically justify serving as a soldier in the US army is if his intention is to follow the footsteps of
men like Nidal.

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